For to kill a forest is to kill a culture; a way of life and being.
To kill a forest is to kill its stories, songs and gods – sung in the whispers of the wind, the gurgle of the waters, the rustle of its creatures.
To kill a forest is to kill history itself, an ancient code of respect, devotion and care.
To kill a forest, is to kill modes of care – of growth, nourishment and healing;
To kill a forest is to kill a tomorrow – and the lives of hope, faith, perseverance and resilience.
To kill a forest, you must kill your conscience first.
For it takes death on the inside, to wish death on the world.
To Kill a Forest, July 2021
Gouache on paper, 25 x 25 inches
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Girish Naik
Girish Naik is an interdisciplinary artist who lives and works in Goa.
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