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Parag Rangekar is a naturalist, wildlife photographer, researcher, responsible tourism practitioner and a proponent of multidisciplinary action based in Goa.
His work focuses on the documentation of lesser fauna, especially butterflies and dragonflies, as well as conservation action through community participation. He has 15 research papers and various articles to his credit, including the description of 2 species new to science. A species of wasp, Kudakrumia rangnekari, has been named after him for his contribution towards biodiversity documentation. He is an expert member on the Goa State Biodiversity Board, Invertebrate Conservation Information Network for South Asia, and founding president of Goa Bird Conservation Network. He was awarded the LEAD (Leadership for Environment and Development) Fellowship.
Follow him on instagram.com/paragrangnekar and www.mrugayaamboli.com. He can be contacted at [email protected]